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How Long Should You Spend At The Gym?


Regardless of if it is weight that the individual wants to lose, or if they want to build muscle. Determining the ideal exercise duration is a vital part of the gym planning process. An unavoidable part of the process involves planning and setting the correct fitness goals. If the individual simply shows up at a gym and begins fooling around on machines, the likelihood of reaching those goals is slim. Instead have a clear idea of where you want to go and what you want to do to get there.

Every individual is different and has different levels of fitness, different limitations, and different capabilities. They also have different exercises and workouts that they enjoy doing. In this article are a few guidelines to assist individuals in understanding roughly how long they should be in the gym. This all depends on what the individual is seeking to accomplish. Individuals might want to alter it slightly to suit their comfort level.

How Much Exercise Should An Individual Be Doing?

Everyone should be aiming to complete thirty minutes of moderately intense exercise, five days a week, or for one hundred and fifty minutes. This is considered the basic amount in order to reach a healthy lifestyle and keep the body in good shape. Moderately intense exercise will mean different things to different individuals. For some individuals, strolling for thirty minutes might be adequate to get the blood pumping. While for others, they might need to work a bit harder, such as thirty minutes run on the treadmill. Others might join a fitness class so that they can satisfy that moderately intense goal.

Regardless of whatever the exercise is, it all counts. So you are unable to run all out on a treadmill or complete thirty minutes on an exercise bike. That does not mean that the exercise being done does not have an impact. Neither does it mean that the individual will be unable to get it completed in the future.

How Long Should The Workout Be To Lose Weight?

If the goal is weight loss, then being realistic about the goals is vital. Otherwise, the individual might lose momentum and motivation, instead of weight. Exercising for 150 minutes is a great target to start with. Particularly if the individual is a novice to exercise, or is returning after a long sabbatical. Operating at this time frame is an excellent starter; however, individuals may want to push themselves a bit more or stay at the gym a bit longer.

After reaching a specific level of fitness, it might be worthwhile to increase gym stays to about forty-five minutes to one hour. This way more calories are being burnt and the likelihood of weight loss will increase.

It is critical, however, that the individual does not restrict themselves to cardiovascular equipment only in order to lose weight. The probability rises that they would become bored with the exercise regimen. Also, the results will be less impressive than what they were expecting. Weight training prior to a cardio workout, means that the glycogen stored in the body will be used up. Once the cardio begins, in whatever form the individual selects, that means more fat is being burnt up for energy. This leads to weight loss at a faster rate.

In Order To Build Muscle, How Long Should The Exercise Be?

When weight training, the body depends on the storage of glycogen and creatine phosphate in order to produce the required power. The body has limited storage of these two compounds and once depleted, can only be replenished via diet and rest. Individuals could increase the storage by taking supplements and diet. However, for the majority of individuals, extending a weight training session beyond thirty minutes could be counterproductive. It could result in muscle being broken down rather than being built up.

Dangers Of Over-Training

It is quite easy to be snared into thinking that a longer time at the gym means better and faster results. This is not always the case. Over-training not only leads to injury, and puts a stop to the entire exercise goal. It could also result in overtraining syndrome. This is classified by loss of appetite, irritability apathy, moodiness, and the inability to sleep. This could be very unpleasant for the individual as well as those around them. It could also make the exercise regimen less effective.

In general, it is encouraged and recommended to have two to three days between every workout session. Light cardio could occur between, just to keep the muscles warm and active. In this way, the individual will not become bored, or the likelihood becomes less of sustaining an injury.